vice stand中文什么意思

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  1. He is a director of china poem association , a director of china music literature association , a standing editor of the poem journal new national wind , a special proof - reader of silver river publishing house , a standing director of the int - ernational yan huang culture research association , a cou - nselor in hunan poem association , a member of hunan famous hands ' calligraphy and painting exhibition hall , a vice standing president of hunan population culture pro - motion committee
    系中国诗歌学会理事、中国音乐文学学会理事、 《新国风》诗刊常务编委、银河出版社特约编审、国际炎黄文化研究会常务理事、湖南诗词协会顾问、湖南名人书画馆馆员、湖南人口文化促进会常务副会长。


  1. vice speaker of house 什么意思
  2. vice speaker of parliament 什么意思
  3. vice speaker of the house 什么意思
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  5. vice squeeze 什么意思
  6. vice surveillance commissioner 什么意思
  7. vice table cage 什么意思
  8. vice table caisson 什么意思
  9. vice versa 什么意思
  10. vice versa conversely 什么意思


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